Old Cambrian Society
(The Prince of Wales School / Nairobi School, Nairobi, Kenya)

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   Obituaries - Departed Old Cambrians

Obituary Notices

This page is reserved for announcing the sad news of the death of Old Cambrians.

Webmaster would appreciate receiving confirmation from the family of any Old Cambrian who has sadly passed away, before any notice is published.

Every possible precaution and care will be taken to ensure that information published is accurate and correct.

Name                                                  House                              Years
Aggett, Mike Rhodes 1959-1962
Antoni, Johnnie Hawke 1952-1956
Arthur, Derek Nicholson 1955-1958
Ashdown, Gus Rhodes 1968-1971
Asiyo, Jack Grigg 1969-1972
Beaty, Ian Clive 1954-1959
Bennett, Philip Girouard Hawke? early 1940s
Blake, Gordon Hawke 1937-1940
Booth, Alistair A.B. Rhodes 1961-1963
Brackin, John Clive 1950-1952
Brown, David Scott 1951-1954
Brown, Nigel J. Nicholson & Staff 1952-1957 & 1966-1970
Brown, R. Nigel Grigg 1956-1958
Butterfield, Nigel Hawke 1958-1962
Chalmers, Iain T. Nicholson 1953-1957
Collier-Wright, Christopher Hawke 1954-1959
Cook, John C Hawke/Nicholson 1941-1945
Curran, John Grigg 1934-1939
Darvall, Allan Intermediate/Clive 1948-1953
Davidson, Andy Scott 1953-1959
Dawson, John Nicholson 1952-1954
Dawson, Ted Nicholson 1953-1956
Dow, Jim Clive 1951-1954
Drummond, David O.L. Clive/Grigg 1947-1950
Evans, Llewellyn Bramwell Lewis ? 1932-1935/6?
Faulconer, Edwin William (Ted) ? 1930s
Fenwick, John Rhodes 1961-1963
Fiorotto, Renato Rhodes 1962-1967
Fittall, Reginald Grigg 1939-1943
Flemming, David Rhodes 1956-1959
Flemming, Graham Rhodes 1949-1953
Gasson, John Rhodes 1948-1950
Georgiadis, Byron Hawke 1941-1945
Gill, Leonard New/Grigg 1944-1948
Graf, Peter Rhodes 1951-1956
Griffin, Geoffrey Grigg 1945-1950
Harrington, Keith Staff 1962-1976
Hawkins, Brian Grigg/Hawke ? 1944-1947 ?
Heppes, John Hawke 1939-1943
Huddleston, Lew Staff 1969-1973
Hunter, Dennis Hawke 1939-1943
Jacobs, Otto Nicholson 1954-1959
Johnson, Peter Clive 1937-1943
Kapila, Ishan Grigg 1970-1973
Keeton, John Clive 1954-1959
King, Kenneth Douglas Nicholson 1953-1957
Knight, David Rhodes 1964-1966
Knight, Geoffrey "Dudu" Staff 1946-1955
Langley, Peter Nicholson 1956-1958
Lynch, Johnny Scott 1951-1956
MacDonald, David Hawke 1961-1966
Martin, Peter Grigg 1959-1964
Maudsley, Ken Staff left March 1957
Mbaya, Kaaria Baringo(Hawke) 1975-1978
McCrae, Alastair Rhodes 1943-1946
Mehlsen, Peter Hawke 1963-1967 Passed away in Denmark, Aug 2008
Millership, Ron Clive 1949-1952
Morris, Edmund Scott 1953-1958
Mowbray, Bill Nicholson 1956-1959
Musau, M.A. Kirinyaga (Grigg) 1989-1992
Nguru, Kariuki Tana/Serengeti(Nicholson) 1981-1986
Norman, Brian Hawke & Staff 1935-8 & 1949-52
Odhiambo, Lewis Hawke 1969-1970
Odinga, Agola Scott 1965-1968
Oliver, Henry (Hal) Grigg 1944
Onyulo, Peter Sidede Scott 1969-1974
Ossent, Peter Scott 1962-1965
Oxlade, David Staff 1963-1976
Pearce, Richard (Rick) Scott 1952-1954
Peskett, Brian Rhodes 1942-1945
Phillips, Graham Rhodes 1955-1959
Platt, Martin Grigg 1945-1950
Plenderleith, William Grigg 1943-1946
Plough, John Scott 1951-1955
Poppleton, Frank Clive 1934-1938
Potter, Alan Staff 1950s & 60s
Pringle, Peter Grigg/Fletcher 1963-1966
Raposo, John - "Tramp" Clive 1970-1975
Rawlins, Colin ? left 1932
Rawlins, John Grigg 1945-1947
Reed, Christopher Scott 1963-?
Robson, Frank Scott 1948-1953
Rodger, Ian Hawke 1949-1952
Salmon, William R. - "Samaki" Staff 1945-1964
Sandhu, Narendra Scott 1963-1965
Sarantis, Francis Rhodes 1955-1959
Sarginson, Cliff ? late 1940s
Scott, Thomas Julian Grigg 1942-1944
Shaw, Giles Eric Nicholson 1950-1954
Simpson, Peter Scott 1955-1958
Sinclair, Derek Clive 1943-1947
Sinclair, Robin Grigg 1956-1960
Slater, Peter Hawke 1953-1959
Spence, W R McA ("Mac") Hawke 1948-1953
Stewart, Alec Clive 1949-1953
Stocker, Robert Hawke/Nicholson 1943-1946
Strachan, Don Grigg 1959-1965
Sunde, Ole Nicholson 1952-1958
Tattersall, Bryan Rhodes 1954-1959
Templer, Simon Nicholson 1945 only
Turner, Brian Nicholson/Scott 1947-1950
van Someren Greve, Jan Clive 1953-1957
Walker, Lawrence "Amoeba" Staff 1952-1963
Watson, Claud ? 1932-1935
Welford, Peggy Staff (San Matron) Jan 1958 - Dec 1967
Woolfall, Richard Grigg/Scott 1945-1950
Wyatt, Deryk Clive 1955-1957
Wyber, John Grigg 1955-1960
Zakian, Vladimir Grigg 1950-1953
Zibarras, Michael Theodore Hawke 1952-1958