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   Obituary - Johnnie Antoni


Johnnie Antoni

House: Hawke
Years: 1952-1956

Webmaster received an e-mail on 7th June 2011 from David Walker (Hawke 1956-60):

Dear Steve,

Sadly I have to send you the news of the death of my friend, Johnnie Antoni (Hawke House 1952-1956).

Johnnie passed away on 3rd May 2011 in Mombasa. He was a great sportsman at school and at the Mombasa Sports Club. He captained the Coast Province Rugby team for many years, and was a reknowned diver and spear fisherman. He was the first member of the Prince of Wales School to have a son play international rugby for the six nations - John Antoni, full back, wing and centre for Italy.


David Walker (Hawke 1956-60)

Bradenton, Florida, USA