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   Obituary - Ian Rodger


Ian Cruden Rodger

House: Hawke
Year: Feb 1949 - Dec 1952

On 28th July 2008, Webmaster received an e-mail from Rob Ryan (Intermediate/Hawke 1945-50):

I'm sorry to be the bearer of such sad news but Ian Rodger (KR4245) passed away yesterday morning, at home, in Naivasha.

Ian was cheerful to the end, thoroughly enjoying his regular visits from George McKnight & Bob Dewar - the memories they shared enriched by the welcome tots of whisky! He spent his last evening following the Tour de France, writing down who had the yellow jersey and placing everyone in the race.

Ian was buried this afternoon, in Secret Valley, with his sleeping bag, a bottle of wine, a can of corned beef and a can of baked beans!

Jeannie is already feeling the terrible emptiness that accompanies the loss of a life-long mate. I'm sure she would welcome hearing from you.
