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   Obituary - Iain T. Chalmers


Iain Thom Chalmers

House: Nicholson
Years: 1953-1957

On the 30th August 2009, Webmaster received an e-mail from Antony Williamson, and then almost immediately a separate e-mail from Michael Purves, informing him of the death of Iain Chalmers:

It is with regret that we inform you of the death of Iain Chalmers yesterday, the 29th of August 2009, from Cancer. He was diagnosed two weeks ago and given months to live but sadly things suddenly took a turn for the worse and he passed away yesterday morning.

Iain's funeral service will be held at the Fremantle Funeral Chapel off Carrington Road at 2.30 pm on Friday 4th September.

The following was Iain's entry in the Alumni section of this web site prior to his death:

Iain Thom Chalmers

Nickname: Chura
House: Nicholson
Years: 1953-1957

Many memories come flooding back from time to time including those of an academic, sporting, social, mischievous and other natures; but all in all, I remember it as a really good "club" to belong to!! What about the barbed wire during the Mau Mau emergency and the staff who were removed for being terrorists? What about being caught by "Pink Percy" as we made our way back across the valley from the "Heifer Boma" on a Sunday afternoon after teasing our hormones for an hour or two? I could go on, but that will be for another day.

Left School and joined the Kenya Regiment (KR6660) for the mandatory 6 months. Off to Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, UK to learn about farming. Back to Kenya and did some years in the coffee industry.

Got married to Leslie (Turner) in 1964. Left Kenya to come to Australia in 1965 and have been here ever since, now living in Western Autralia. Associated with agriculture in one way or another for all those years.

(Registered - 10th January 2003)