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   Obituary - Geoffrey C. Knight


Geoffrey C. "Dudu" Knight

Nickname Dudu
Years: 1946-1955

On 31st January 2009, Webmaster received an e-mail from Peter Knight (Rhodes 1960-5):

Greetings from Peter Knight (Junior and Rhodes 1960-1965)

Sadly, I must give you details of my father for the obituaries section of the website.

My father, Geoffrey (G.C.Knight a.k.a. 'Dudu'), was a teacher at the Prince of Wales School from 1946-1955. He was Housemaster of Rhodes House from 1953-1955. He was assisted by Mr Barnett ,as Deputy Housemaster. Teaching at PoW was his first job after surviving the experience of being a prisoner of the Imperial Japanese Army from 1942-1945.

As a lieutenant in the 80th Anti-tank Regiment, he fought through the Malayan campaign and was captured at the fall of Singapore in 1942. Luckily, he was not sent to the "Death Railway", but put some blood and sweat into the building of Changi Airport.

After the Prince of Wales School he moved to the Kenyan Education Department and worked in Nairobi and Nakuru. At independence he was Assistant-Chief Education Officer. He stayed on for two years after independence to help in training Government officers.

After leaving Kenya he made a second career in the UK in university administration.

In retirement, he was afflicted with Parkinson's and he died in 1996 aged 78.

His wife, Nella, died from cancer in 1994.

Geoffrey "Dudu" Knight