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   Obituary - Richard Edward Pearce


Richard Edward Pearce

Nickname: Rick
House: Scott
Years: 1952-1954

On 25th March 2007, Webmaster received an e-mail from Carol, Rick's widow:

    Sorry to have to contact you with such sad news. As you know Rick had been ill with cancer for several years which became a lot worse last christmas. Unfortunatety he lost his battle on 2nd March, but died peacefully in our local Macmilllan hospice.

    We had a humanist cremation on 8th March due to his non-religious beliefs, and played his favourite music instead of hymns.

    We are going to miss him terribly as it leaves a large hole in our lives.


    Carol & Claire

The following was Rick's entry in the Alumni section of this web site prior to his death:

Richard Edward Pearce

Nickname: Rick
House: Scott
Years: 1952-1954

Living in Poole, Dorset.

(Registered - 1st October 2003)