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   Obituary - Derek Gordon Sinclair


Derek Gordon Sinclair

House: Clive
Years: 1943-1947

On 13th November 2009, Webmaster received an e-mail from Richard Portsmouth:

I regret to have to inform you that Derek died 4 years ago on the 6th November 2005, aged 75.

Derek had a career in Kenya and Croydon, Surrey as an electrical engineer. He married Mary and they had two children, Gordon (Metropolitan Police officer) and Katharine (nurse) and spent most of their married life in Wallington, Surrey. It was with great sadness that Mary died prematurely and was not around to share his retirement years. A very talented woodworker, he spent his retirement helping others and making and repairing things for family, friends and his church. A much loved father, grandfather, uncle and godfather.

Richard Portsmouth
(Derek's nephew and godson)

Derek Sinclair 18.2.1930 - 6.11.2005
Clive House 1943 - 1947

Daily Telegraph - Deaths

SINCLAIR—Derek Gordon, passed away peacefully at The Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton on 6th November, 2005, aged 75 years. Much loved father to Gordon and Katharine and loving grandfather to four grandchildren. Cremation to take place on 17th November at Croydon Crematorium, 10.45 a.m. (West Chapel). Thanksgiving Service at St. Mary's Church, Beddington at 3 p.m. All his friends and family are warmly invited. No flowers please. Donations, if desired to British Heart Foundation, via Trueloves F/D.

10 Nov 2005

Derek Sinclair - Nairobi 1943 (aged 13)
Derek Sinclair (aged 13) - Nairobi 1943