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   Obituary - Muema Andrew "M.A." Musau


Muema Andrew "M.A." Musau

House: Kirinyaga (Grigg)
Years: 1989-1992

On 20th July 2009, Webmaster received an e-mail from Muema Musau:

Dear Webmaster,

I was in Nairobi recently and on my way back to the US - Philadelphia as I have done for the last 8 years, I asked for Muema Musau at the British Airways terminal. I was informed he had passed away in a road accident on Mombasa Road in July 2008.

Musau, Muema Andrew (went by the name Musau, M.A) my name-sake in Nairobi School from 1989-1992, he was in Kirinyaga House i.e Grigg House.

Tonight I was able to find a website dedicated to him by all those who knew him too and had visited them before his depature.
  • http://www.amuema.com
  • http://www.amuema.com/blog

