Just to let you know that Henry Oliver passed away suddenly at his home
in Guelph, Ontario, Canada on April 1st, 2020.
I know he was one of
the old Kenya school boys.
Nora Oliver
A subsequent e-mail
to the Webmaster from Nora gave a little more detail
about Hal's life:
You asked me to give you some words on Hals' life, particularly in
Kenya. I am afraid I don't know much about that period of his life,
but know he travelled around a lot as a child as his father was an engineer,
worked in many countries in the Middle East as well as England.
met Hal in London while he was having a break from his job in
Iran. We worked for the same company, myself having been lured across
the pond by a very good friend I had met in Toronto. Hal and I were married
after a short courtship by Air Mail letters from Iran to Toronto. We
married in Tehran in 1968, had two children there Suzanne and David, then (Hal and
children) emmigrated to Canada. We lived in Ontario, Alberta, then
moved to the U.S. to Massachusetts, Alaska, Colorado, finally back to Canada to
Guelph, Ontario. We had been married 52 years in March when Hal died.
A son Brett from his first marriage lives in Edmonton, Alberta.
When I say I don't know a lot about Hals' early days, perhaps it is
because I did not listen to his stories? Typical of a wife?