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   Obituary - Narendra Sandhu


Narendra Sandhu

House: Scott
Years: 1963-1965

  • On 24th January 2007, Webmaster received an e-mail from Rajiv Dixit:
      It is with sadness that I inform you of the death of Narendra Sandhu on 21st December 2006, from a heart attack in India. Narendra was in Scott House during 1963-1965. He was from Tanzania. However, he moved to India in the late 1960's. He contacted me for the first time late last year by e-mail. I had a long phone conversation with him while visiting India from San Francisco. The early 1960's were not always an easy time for the non-white students at the Prince of Wales School. Narendra, however, had nothing but the fondest memories of the school. I gave him the school's web site address and hopefully he had an opportunity to visit it.

      Narendra was a kind and always upbeat person. He will be missed.

      Rajiv Dixit
      (Hawke House 1965-1966)