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   Obituary - John Clayton Rawlins


John Clayton Rawlins

House: Grigg
Year: 1945-1947

On 24th June 2008, Webmaster received an e-mail from Norman Cuthbert (of Bongo Books):
On a sadder note, I should let you know that John Rawlins died recently, and, noticing that you are the Webmaster for the Old Cambrians Club, I wonder if I might ask you to post some notice of his passing to fellow-members, please.
Apposite dates which you may care to use are:
D.O.B. 15th January, 1929
D.O.D. 1st May, 2008
He had not been really well for some years, but nevertheless carried on brave-heartedly and with a great sense of duty and of humour. He had been diagnosed as having developed leukemia just a few weeks before his death, whereupon he asked me to take over his part, with Mrs Joan Considine, in the business of Bongo Books.

Note from Webmaster:
John co-edited and published the two anthologies, Childhood Memories of Colonial East Africa 1920-1963 and Further Memories of Colonial East Africa 1920-63 - Click Here for details of how to purchase your copy of these "must have" books.