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   Obituary - Alistair A.B. Booth


Alistair A.B. Booth

Nickname: Ali
House: Rhodes
Years: 1961-1963

On 7th February 2013, Webmaster received an e-mail from Robin Broad (Hawke 1958-63) with the sad news of the passing of Alistair:
 "I am writing to tell you that, sadly, Alistair died on 31 January 2013 after suffering from motor neurone disease.  I would appreciate it if you would put an entry on the Obituary page.
I have been asked to provide information about Alistair for the eulogy at his Memorial Service on 20 February and wondered if you could put me in touch with either Bernard Dokleman (Rhodes) or Chris Stockwell (Rhodes). They were in the same House at the same time whereas I was a few years older than Alistair.  We have both been living in Malvern in recent years and came to the Old Cambrian Dinners together."

If you have any memories of Alistair, please e-mail Webmaster.

The following was Alistair's entry in the Alumni section of this web site prior to his death:
Alistair A.B. Booth
Nickname: Ali
House: Rhodes
Years: Sept 1961 - Dec 1963
Still serving in the Army (Lt Col, REME) but due to retire mid 2003.

(Registered - 27th November 2002)