Nairobi lawyer Ishan Kapila has died aged 48.
Mr Kapila died at Nairobi Hospital on Friday of a heart failure after being ill for two months, his brother Sheetal told the Sunday Nation yesterday.
Mr Ishan Kapila |
He came from a famous lawyer family. His father Acchhroo Ram Kapila, was one of the lawyers who represented President Jomo Kenyatta and fellow freedom fighters Fred Kubai, Achieng Oneko, Paul Ngei, Bildad Kaggia and Kung'u Karumba during the Kapenguria trial in 1953.
Mr Ishan Kapila had a passion for golf and cricket, and made a name for himself as a lawyer. He also presented of a popular jazz programme on Capital FM radio.
His legal career spanning more than 24 years started at his father's firm and saw him represent clients in various commissions of inquiry.
Mr Kapila, who was a partner in the firm of A.R. Kapila & Company Advocates, served in the Ndung'u commission of inquiry into illegal public land allocations.
He represented Cabinet minister Nicholas Biwott at the Ouko inquiry in the early 1990s and among his other prominent clients are retired President Moi, Energy minister Simeon Nyachae, Labour minister Ahmed Khalif (late) and former Vice-President Musalia Mudavadi.
The last client in April, last year, was Kenya cricket team captain Maurice Odumbe at a tribunal. Mr Odumbe was found guilty of inappropriate contact with a bookmaker and banned for five years. He leaves behind wife Nassem, son Siddartha, 16, and daughter Chhaya, 12.
He will be cremated at the Hindu crematorium at 3pm tomorrow.