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   Obituary - Jan van Someren Greve


Jan van Someren Greve

House: Clive
Years: 1953-1957

On 6th December 2009 Webmaster received the following from Dave Lichtenstein (DoY):

I was advised by phone a couple of weeks ago by an East African Karin Blowers (both attend my picnic in Sydney) that he had just found out from Jan's wife that Jan had come back from overseas with a massive brain tumour. He had been expected at the picnic - but did not turn up. His wife told Karin that Jan was not expected to last long. Sunday week I was informed by another East African (an ex-Tanganyikan like Karin and Jan) that Jan had passed away.

On 10th January 2010, Webmaster received an e-mail from Steve Taylor (Scott 1961-3):

It has been reported to me that Jan suffered a massive brain tumour and died 20th November 2009 in CBR. He was a young and fit 70. There was a 'celebration of his life' at the 'Village Green' at the CSIRO HQ next to ANU ... (he was an Honorary Fellow there) ... 250+ people attended.

The following was Jan's entry in the Alumni section of this web site prior to his death:

Jan van Someren Gréve

House: Clive
Years: 1953-1957

Memories: There are so many that I could write a book. I reckon that I need to sit down and ponder before I put pen to paper.

After leaving PoW I read for a degree in entomology, botany and zoology at Rhodes University, South Africa. Thereafter, I returned to Kenya to work in the Tsetse Control Section of the Kenya Veterinary Department. This was followed by a short spell in South Africa, when I worked on the control the brown locust. I returned home to work in the Tsetse Control Section of the Tanzania Veterinary Department.

I made a career change and joined the London Fumigation Company based in Dar es Salaam, where I started my career in the protection of stored grains and other commodities.

I migrated to Australia in 1974 and took up a position in, the then, territory of Papua New Guinea, where I worked on all aspects of commodity storage until 1984. I have been with the CSIRO Entomology, Stored Grain Research Laboratory here in Canberra from that time to date.
Have changed my surname to "van Someren Graver" since arriving in Australia.

(Registered - 3rd August 2003)