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   Obituary - Brian Peskett


Brian Peskett

House: Rhodes
Years: 1942-1945

On 9th January 2009, Webmaster received an e-mail from John Davis:

I should be grateful if you would record in the obituary section that Brian Peskett (Rhodes 1942–1945), passed away after a brief illness in the Royal Bournemouth Hospital on 10th January 2009.
He is sadly missed by his family and friends.

Best regards,

John Davis

The following was Brian's entry in the Alumni section of this web site prior to his death:

Brian Peskett

House: Rhodes
Year: 1942-1945

Employment: Kenya, Uganda and Botswana Police Forces, 19years service finishing as a Senior Superintendent. Served in a commissioned rank in the Trucial Oman Scouts (now UAE) and Sultan of Omans Armed Forces for 6 years in 1960s and 1970s.

Diamond security in Ghana for 4 years. Construction site administration in Iraq, Tanzania and Dubai for 7 years with the last job in Tanzania in 1993.

All together a very interesting life. Also included 2 years in Somerset as a sub-postmaster.

Brian Peskett in 1945
Brian Peskett in 1945

(Registered - 13th November 2003)