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   Obituary - Byron Georgiadis


Byron Nicos Georgiadis

House: Hawke
Year: Jan 1941 - July 1945

On 14th January 2010, Webmaster received an e-mail from Peter Hays (New/Grigg 1945-9):

This outstanding Old Cambrian died at his home in Kenya on 3rd January 2010. As the son of the owner of the Uganda Tobacco Company, in the first term of 1945 Byron was Head of Hawke House, Head of School, and Captain of Hockey, before leaving to pursue a career in law at Oxford.

After qualifying as a Barrister, Byron returned to Kenya in the early 1950's and quickly established a reputation as a brilliant trial lawyer in several high profile cases. With an international reputation and able to command high fees, Byron never forgot his background and his roots, and several penniless Old Cambrians on serious charges had cause to feel grateful to him for defending them free of charge, invariably successfully, out of the goodness of his heart. A loyal member of the Old Cambrian Society and Impala Club, Byron turned out for the hockey sides for a number of seasons.

Those of us who were privileged to have known Byron will mourn the passing of this decent, humble, and brilliant Old Cambrian.

May his Soul Rest In Peace.

