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   Obituary - Mike Aggett


Michael (Mike) John Aggett

House: Rhodes
Years: 1959-1962

Webmaster received an e-mail from Tor Allan (Rhodes 1960-2) on 9th January 2010:

Dear Steve,

I have some very sad news re Mike Aggett; his wife Mavis has sent me an e-mail and thought the Old boys should know or maybe you can list it in the way you do these very sad notices. Mike was with me in Rhodes and am not sure when he left there for South Africa.

All for now and thanks so much indeed.


The e-mail from Mike's widow is as follows:

Dear Tor

I don’t think we have ever met.

I am sorry to bring you this very sad news. Mike died very unexpectedly on the 1st December (2009).

We had returned 6 days before from a most wonderful 5 weeks holiday. We visited our middle son, Jonathan, and his wife and new twins, in Boston USA and then went on to the UK – Scotland and Mike’s sister (Jill) who lives near Oxford.

On Tuesday, the 1st, Mike went off on his first run since our return and collapsed on his way home. The doctor tried for an hour to resuscitate him but he did not make it. (Mike was a keen runner and usually ran about 12 Km three times a week – into the karoo veld which he loved so, so much. He really was fit.)

It is hard, hard to believe he is no longer on this earth. I really have lost my life’s partner and we thought we had YEARS together still!

I am sure you know that Mike had a very sincere faith and a few years ago completed his Master’s thesis: A History of the interpretation of the Resurrection from Remarus till the present. I know that at the time of his sudden passing he was assured as he could be that Christ, the Son of God, died and rose again. He has now made the transition that we all have to make and I am thankful for his sake that it seems as if he did not suffer.

Our five sons have been fantastic. They all came to Prince Albert – which is a little out of the way. Jonathan returned to USA two days ago. Right now, I am in Cape Town with family and some of the boys will be here with me for Christmas. I am really so fortunate.

Hope this finds you and your family well.

All the best for 2010.


Mavis (Aggett).