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   Obituary - Nigel M. Butterfield


Nigel M. Butterfield

House: Hawke
Years: 1958-1962

On 8th February 2016, Webmaster received an e-mail from Carol Butterfield with the sad news of the passing of Nigel in August 2014.

The following was Nigel's entry in the Alumni section of this web site prior to his death:

Nigel M. Butterfield
House: Hawke
Years: 1958-1962
Drinking beer and singing ribald songs in the back of an army truck on the way to annual CCF camp at Nanyuki.

Since leaving school:
Merchant Navy (Clan Line/Union Castle) from 1963 to 1976, then to South Africa working on salvage tugs and SA Railways Harbour tugs, followed by a stint of marine surveying. Moved to Canada in 1987 and am now self-employed as a BC coast supercargo based in Vancouver and working on both BC and US north west coasts.

(Registered 20th October 2003)