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   Obituary - William Edgar (Bill) Mowbray


William Edgar (Bill) Mowbray

House: Nicholson
Years: 1956-1959

On 13th July 2008, Webmaster received an e-mail from Hazel Yates:

Dear Webmaster

Sadly, I write to inform you of the sudden death of Bill Mowbray on July 1st 2008.

I emailed you a little while ago on another matter, trying to see if you or any OCs had any memories of the Brettell brothers who had been to your school and then during the war had been at Oswestry School, Shropshire, England where I am a governor. You kindly put a note in your OC newsletter asking for any memories and I was amazed when Bill Mowbray came up to me at school, declaring that he was an Old Cambrian and what was I doing appearing in the OC newsletter?!! It is a small world.

Bill lived near Llangollen, with his wife Averil and daughter Alexandra, who is a pupil at Oswestry School, and I had known Bill for many years through chatting in the car park/playground/netball court/ . . . waiting for children to appear at the end of the school day. His sudden death was a great shock to us all at school and our thoughts and best wishes are with Alex and Averil.


Hazel Yates

William Edgar (Bill) Mowbray

Nickname: Choobrush
House: Nicholson
Years: 1956-1959

(Registered - 24th January 2004)