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   Obituary - Michael Theodore Zibarras


Michael Theodore Zibarras

House: Hawke
Year: 1952-1958

On 25th Feb 2005, Webmaster received the following from Michael's brother, Jimmy Zibarras. The memoriam notice (below) was published in 1994 for the 25th anniversary of Michael's death. Jimmy writes, "He was a young man of 29 on that fateful day on 21st July 1969 - the day man landed on the moon!!"

Michael Zibarras


3/1/40 - 21/7/69

      Twenty five years ago to-day, an aircraft accident brought tragedy resulting in the loss of five valuable and professional people involved on a mission of goodwill. Their destination had been the sites on which hospitals were to be built for the needy people of Shirati and Bunda, near Musoma, by the Mennonite Missionary Society.
      Among those killed was 29 year-old Michael Zibarras. A Greek by nationality, Michael was born and bred in East Africa, only going overseas when business gave him the chance to view modern trends in building techniques. Indeed his short life was one of personal effort and fortitude.
      After taking the KPE at the Hellenic School, Duluti, he went on to the Prince of Wales School (now the Nairobi School) where, although he was always the youngest in his class, he came top throughout his time at school.
      Michael was determined to become a Civil Engineer and, at the age of 17, undaunted by lack of sufficient family finance to allow a normal university career, he worked as an apprentice with the civil engineering firm of Roughton, Campbell and Fitzgerald, while at the same time attending lectures at University College and catching up with studying far into the night. The measure of his success can be seen by the degrees he obtained.
      He was a Member of the British Institution of Civil Engineers, an Associate Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, a Member of the Institute of Water Engineers, and an Associate Member of the East African Institution of Engineers.
      One of the partners of the firm, Lt.-Col. Desmond Fitzgerald, described Michael as unique in that he was one of only two people in East Africa who had successfully passed all examinations in Civil Engineering as a part-time student while doing a full day's work to earn his living.
      For his brothers Jimmy and George, and his sisters Cally and Kathy and all his many friends, the memory of his kind and helpful nature and ready smile still remains all these many years in our hearts, and we remember you with love and pride. Your life was short, but your achievements were many.

  • Submitted by Michael's friend, Thomas Turk, on 8th Aug 2004:

      In Memory of.....
      Michael Theodore Zibarras
      From Morogoro, Tanganyika
      Parents owned/operated a Sisal Estate
      Finished 6E and qualified as an engineer.

      We shared many happy times in the back of Physics classes.....and trust that he has now reincarnated after his early, and tragically ended previous life.....

      "They also taught him about the immortality of the spirit through rebirth"
      From the Talmud of Jmmanuel.... Chapt 4. 9