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   Nigel J. Brown - 1970

Nigel J. Brown, MA (Cantab) - 1970

Nigel J. Brown - 1970
Nigel Brown in June/July 1970 - Photo by Bill McCormick

Nigel Brown was a pupil at the Prince of Wales School from 1952, and in 1957 was a School Prefect and Head of House for Nicholson House. He went on to Cambridge University (St. John's College), and then in August 1966 returned to the school as a member of staff in the English department.

In 1967 he was made Assistant Housemaster for Clive House, and then was Acting Housemaster for the second half of the year. From the second term in 1968, he took over as Clive's Housemaster, a position he held until he left the school at the end of the second term in 1970.

E-mail from Nigel Brown to Webmaster on 10th February 2007:
The photo is one Bill took in response to a request from Clive House to have some thing to put on the Common Room wall ...... probably to throw darts at!! .....so it was taken just before we left, i.e. in about June/July 1970. Characteristically, he generously gave us a copy and it was he who was responsible for organising a farewell present from the English dept ....... Mervyn Hill's massive history of the Kenya-Uganda railway, "Permanent Way". Bill was a tireless and hugely supportive member of the department and a fiersome keeper of the bookroom! Sylvia and I remember him with great affection.

To see Nigel's page in the obituary section, Click Here