Bogus School Band Colours
Photo & text sent in by David Cresswell
Must reserve comment upon how this item came into my care in 1970!!
It is a 'bona fide' specimen of standard issue colours! 100% genuine & from a reliable,
'authorised' source (be assured! - it was not knocked up in a duka in River Road or Bazaar
School Band 'colours' were not awarded at that time & I cannot recall sight of any being worn.
Comment from Steve Le Feuvre:
These (bogus) colours were never awarded officially, but a few examples circulated in the
early 1970s.....all 'self-awarded', I believe!!
Legitimate "Band" colours were awarded from 1974/75 as official School colours, and I was
one of the first recipients. Those colours just said "BAND", the "SCH" from the 'fake run' being
dropped to set them apart from those 'unofficial' versions!!