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   Old Cambrian Society (UK Branch) - 2006 Annual Dinner at the RAF Club, Piccadilly, London

Old Cambrian Society (UK Branch)
2006 Annual Dinner

Held on Friday, 28th April at the RAF Club, Piccadilly, London.

Below are some photos of the evening - click on them to enlarge
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4
Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
Table 9 Table 10 Wolff, McIntosh
& Watson
Lenton & Gill
Burton & Johnston 4 Heads of School Le Feuvre, Shah
& Ghadialy
Eddy & Le Feuvre
Davis, Eddy, Langley
& McIntosh
Nicholson House Dawson, Davis, Langley
& Gledhill
Sirley & Tyekiff
Brod & Carolyn Purdy General view McIntosh & Watson Tyekiff & Clayton
Le Feuvre & Kitley
(More photos will be published shortly)

On Friday 28th April 2006, 117 Old Cambrians and partners attended the Annual Dinner of the Old Cambrian Society (UK Branch) held at the RAF Club, Piccadilly, London. The popularity of this major event in the OCS calendar was evident by the fact that Old Cambrians travelled from as far away as Australia, the USA, Canada and South Africa to be at the function.

The evening was 'hosted' by RAF Club member Alan Murdoch (Rhodes 1950), and began at 6pm with everyone gathering in the Club Bar for pre-dinner drinks. The meal was served at 7.30pm in the opulent surroundings of the Ballroom on the first floor of the building. In the background, a slide show of the school and teams was projected on to a large screen throughout the evening, and this sparked off much reminiscing and conversation. Some photos taken at the school just one month ago proved that the fabric of the buildings is in good shape.

Steve Le Feuvre, Secretary of the Old Cambrian Society (UK Branch), took the opportunity of thanking Martin Langley (Nicholson 1956-1961) for all his hard work in completing the Impala CD project, and the end product was on sale to Old Cambrians throughout the evening. Martin, and his wife Josephine, had flown over from their home in Houston, Texas, USA for the dinner and to hand over the stock of Impala CDs to the Secretary for sale around the world.

Steve Le Feuvre also highlighted the tremendous contribution of three other Old Cambrians who, during 2005 and early 2006, had produced three superb web site articles on the first three headmasters of the school. Ron Bullock (Scott 1948-1953), Christopher Collier-Wright (Hawke 1954-1959) and Brian McIntosh (Rhodes 1953-1959) had produced three pieces of work that have true historical value, and Steve was very pleased that Brian had flown over from his home in Reading, Pennsylvania, USA especially to attend the dinner.

Over the past couple of years, the idea of creating an Old Cambrian Society Trust Fund had gathered pace, and the Secretary called for volunteers to help set this up. He also set a challenge and initial target figure of £50,000 for the fund, which will be used to help the present-day school with academic and fabric projects, as well as assisting needy students with their education fees in the future.

After these formalities were over the meal began, and there was much reminiscing and exchanges of memories between old school pals and acquaintances from all those years ago. After the sweet course, Alan Murdoch thanked everyone for attending the dinner and also praised Steve & Suzanne Le Feuvre for organising the event which was a resounding success.

A good sign that an evening has gone well is if no one wishes to leave, and this was indeed the case at 11pm when we had to vacate the premises. However, some of those fortunate enough to be staying at the RAF Club for the night did adjourn to the Cowdray lounge and continued to party well into the early hours!!