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   Old Cambrian Society (Canada) - 2006 Annual Luncheon at the Stage West Hotel, Mississauga, Ontario

Old Cambrian Society (Canada)
2006 Annual Luncheon

Held on Saturday 6th May at the Stage West Hotel, Mississauga, Ontario.

Below are some photos of the evening - click on them to enlarge
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4
Table 5 Dharsee & Saisi Kuhn, Le Feuvre
& Dharsee
"Elvis Priestley"
Group photo

Front of the Welcome card

Back of the Welcome card

On Saturday 6th May 2006, 42 Old Cambrians and partners gathered at the Stage West Hotel, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada for the annual luncheon. The event was organised by Zahir Dharsee (Hawke 1969-74) and his wife Nadia, with the assistance of Dave Allen (Hawke 1960-5) and his wife June.

The event attracted Canadian Old Cambrians who attended the School from the 1940's through the 1980's and who now reside all over Ontario - the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) , Hamilton, Oakville, Mississauga, Waterloo, Newmarket; Peterborough, Kingston and Ottawa. Old Cambrians and their partners from the GTA area included: Al Noormohamed (Clive 1962-65) and his wife Narmin; Nazim Rajabali (School bursar 1968-73) and his wife Farida; Nitin Kantaria (Hawke 1969-72) ; Duke Saisi (Scott 1973-76 ) ; Inder Benawra (Rhodes-Athi 1976-81) and his wife Anita; Hamilton - Shally Lochab (Rhodes-Athi 1976-81) and his wife Harpal; Oakville - Dave Allen (Hawke 1960-65) and his wife June (ex-Kenya High); Dave Burn (Scott 1955-59) and his wife Frances (aka Priscilla); Anne Hennum (née Morris & ex-Kenya High); Mr. Peter Levette and Mrs Dorothy Levette (ex-Kenya High); Tony and Judy Osman (ex-Loretto Convent); Derek and Daphne Spindlow (ex-Kenya High); Mississauga - Graham Randall (Clive 1951-56) and his wife Pamela (ex-Kenya High) ; Zahir Shamshudin Dharsee (Hawke 1969-74) and his wife Nadia; Mayur(Maxx) Bhatt (Grigg 1971-73) and his wife Rupal; Dr Peter Agwa Grigg 1969-74) and his wife Lydia; Waterloo - Ron Bullock (Scott 1948-53) and his wife Chloe; Newmarket - Dorian Baxter (aka Rev Elvis Priestly - Grigg 1963-67) and his daughter Malaika; Peterborough - Ivo Nightingale (Scott 1954-58) and his wife Lynda; Kingston - Walter Curry (Nicholson 1948-52) and his wife Didi and Ottawa- Dr Roland Kuhn (Hawke 1970-72) and Charles Omumia (Rhodes/Athi 1977-78) and his daughter Stacie. Special thanks to non-Ontarians who attended from afar - Dr Gilbert Omido, (Grigg 1973-74), who attended the event all the way from Wichita, Kansas, U.S.A, and all the way from the Isle of Jersey, Great Britain, Steve Le Feuvre, (Clive 1970-75) Secretary, Old Cambrian Society (UK) and the webmaster.

The event started off at 11:00 am with the pre lunch "meet and greet" session that gave the old and new found friends - rafikis - an opportunity to discuss their treasured memories from their times at the Prince of Wales School/Nairobi School and Kenya/East Africa. The Master of Ceremonies (MC) for the day was Dorian Baxter, (Grigg 1963-7), aka the Rev Elvis Priestly, who did an excellent job in keeping the group well organised and entertained. Lunch was served at 12:30 pm. Prior to commencing lunch, the MC welcomed all previous and new participants to the OCS (Canada) events and also observed a moment of silence in memory of John Heppes (Hawke 1939 to 1943) of Guelph, Ontario

Steve Le Feuvre brought messages of greetings from the OCS (UK) and mentioned highlights of the annual OCS (UK) dinner held at the RAF Club in London, England the previous week, on April 28. 2006. He also informed everyone gathered about the Old Cambrian Society Trust Fund that will be set up in the coming months - it's aims including helping the present-day school with educational projects, and also being able to help needy students with their school fees.

After lunch, Steve made an excellent slide show presentation of 270 pictures of the School, teams, house group photos, etc that covered the period from the 1930's to 2006!! - It was a very informative and educational presentation on the historical pre and post independence period of Kenyan history that the School covers. After this presentation, the Rev Elvis Priestly, treated the group to a wonderful rendition of the Elvis Presley classic, "Don't be Cruel".

Also on sale during the day were copies of the Impala CD which had been launched the previous week at the reunion held at the RAF Club in London, England.

In summary, all who attended the lunch had an excellent time and enjoyed the event. Thank you all for your support and asante sana for attending - Please join us again for future reunion events over the coming years - watch this website for details.

Regrets were received from the following: Hal Oliver; Kamran Haq; Mike D'Cunha; Bruce Heathcote, Alnasir Karim, Stephen Langmead, and Mahesh & Gemini Tailor.

Thank you, merci beaucoup and asante sana

Zahir Shamshudin Dharsee (Hawke 1969-74)