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   Old Cambrian Society (Canada) - 2005 Annual Lunch & Reunion

Old Cambrian Society (Canada)
2005 Annual Lunch & Reunion

Held on Saturday 25th June in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Photo by Hal Oliver

Image of Reunion - Waterloo, Ontario - 25th June 2005

Back row: John Plough, Ron Bullock, Dave Burn, Graham Randall, Dave Allen, Charles Anderson
2nd back row: Jenny Anderson, Nora Oliver, Steve Le Feuvre, Peter Levette, John Heppes, Derek Spindlow, Hal Oliver
Seated 2nd row: Marguerite Ward, Donna Plough, Frances Burn, Dorothy Levette, Lorraine Ng, Kamran Haq
Seated front: Joyce Henly-Lewis, Pam Randall, Daphne Spindlow, Elizabeth Waldegrave, Tony Waldegrave, June Allen

Report by Ron Bullock (organiser of the event)

The Ontario OCs were pleased to welcome Steve Le Feuvre to their lunch at the University Club, Waterloo, on Saturday, June 25th. Suzanne Le Feuvre was unfortunately unable to join us owing to her being delayed in Pittsburgh, but she did manage to get in later and meet with a few who had stayed over in Waterloo. The photos are self-explanatory, although one or two people with other commitments are missing from the group picture.

Unfortunately Zahir Dharsee and Dorian Baxter were unable to join us due to other commitments. However Zahir thoughtfully invited Steve and Suzanne, Dorian and a couple of others for lunch at his house the following Saturday. John Plough made it all the way from B.C. (but one suspects the visit to his daughter who lives nearby was perhaps an additional but entirely incidental incentive). Another notable guest was Bruce Heathcote, son of "Happy Jack" - check the staff nicknames on the web site if you don't know who he was! Life and soul of the party at Table 5 was Joyce Henley-Lewis, widow of Reginald Henley-Lewis (just "Lewis" at school) who was at the Patch as early as 1934. We also had the pleasure of welcoming Charles Anderson (DoY) and his wife and one or two from the Boma.

Judging by the half dozen apologies we had, we may look forward to a greater attendance of both OCs and people from other schools next year.

Additional comments by Steve Le Feuvre (Webmaster):
The venue was like an oasis from the sweltering heat and humidity outside, and everyone enjoyed exchanging memories from bygone years. After lunch, we all enjoyed the hour long slide show of photos of the Prince of Wales School / Nairobi School over the years, together with general photos of Kenya from the 1940s and 1950s.

I would personally like to express my gratitude to Ron Bullock for organising the reunion, and for inviting me to the event. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and it was a great relief to attend an OC function that I wasn't responsible for arranging!!

Below are some photos taken at the lunch
- click on them to enlarge
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4
Table 5 Slide show Discussions