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   Reunion - Vancouver and Victoria, B.C. and on MS Statendam cruise to Alaska - Sept 2004

Reunion - Vancouver and Victoria, B.C. and on MS Statendam cruise to Alaska - Sept 2004

Photos & report supplied by Dave Burn

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
"Samaki" and Friends - at Peter Salmon's Victoria house on Vancouver Island, B.C
Standing (L-R): Jerry Sirley, Ced Snaith, Sote Dine and Jim Snaith
Seated(L-R): "Ache" Roberts, Dave Burn, Mr. Salmon (Samaki Snr.) and Peter Salmon

Ian “Ache” Roberts and his wife Julie very kindly put up with seven gate crashers in their house in Vancouver BC for about a week prior to going on the cruise to Alaska – it was like Junior dorm all over again, we even had “trades”. Those staying with Ian included Sote and Pippa Dine, Jerry and Anne Sirley, Dave and Frances Burn and Jock Elliot. While we were in Vancouver we also had an over night visit from Carl Donoghue and Tim and Karen Saben (from Oregon USA) and Neil (Ache’s brother) and Leslie Roberts.

Ache and Dave Burn managed to get a wet game of golf in with Mike Pickett from Vancouver who also had a contingent of Kenya watu staying with him from UK, which included Cedric Gunson, his brother in law. We also allowed a Duko interloper – Johnny Stols - to join us (temporary honorary Princo member).

Ache Robert’s group also managed a trip over to Victoria on Vancouver Island, B.C. where we were warmly welcomed, well fed and put up for the night by Peter Salmon (Samaki Jnr.) and his wife Dianne. Amazingly Peter also had his father at the house to meet everyone - Mr. Salmon (Samaki Snr.), Housemaster of Hawke House - aged 91 who taught at Princo from 1945 to 1964. Also joining us at Peter’s house were Ced Snaith and brother Jim over from UK.

The highlight of the trip apart from meeting up with old friends and enjoying the camaraderie we hadn’t experienced in some cases for 45 years included a cruise aboard the MS Statendam to Alaska for both the Ian Robert’s and Mike Pickett group of rafikis where we all had a great time. Also joining us on the cruise was Martin Langley who flew up from Houston for the trip. In all there were 9 Princo guys with Cedric Gunson being the senior member and who kept referring to the rest of us as rabble. Cedric celebrated his 75 th birthday on the cruise and was intending to go on to Calgary, Alberta to meet up with two hockey teammates from the all conquering Princo hockey team of 1948.

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
At Ian “Ache” Roberts' house in Vancouver, B.C
Standing (L-R): Ian "Ache" Roberts, Jock Elliott, Jerry Sirley and Neil Roberts
Seated(L-R): Tim Saben, Carl Donoghue, Sote Dine and Dave Burn

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
"Crows Nest" Group - aboard the MS Statendam
Standing (L-R): Sote Dine, Ache Roberts, Mike Pickett, Mart Langley and Dave Burn
Seated(L-R): Ced Snaith, Jock Elliott, Cedric Gunson and Jerry Sirley

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
Aboard the MS Statendam - OCs + wives
Standing (L-R): Jock Elliot, Dave Burn, Ache Roberts, Jerry Sirley and Sote Dine
Seated(L-R): Anne Sirley, Frances Burn, Pippa Dine and Julie Roberts

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
At Ketchikan, Alaska - 24th Sept 2004
(L-R): Julie and Ache Roberts, Pippa and Sote Dine, Dave and Frances Burn and Jock Elliott

* * * * * * *

The following photos + text were supplied by Martin Langley

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
Panoramic view of Johns Hopkins glacier in Glacier Bay, the highlight of the trip.
This is about 4 images stitched together

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
Close up of glacier showing the dark brown colours of the rocks and earth
it scrapes off the valley floor on it’s way down to the sea

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
Ships bell of the good ship Statendam with glacier in the background. They stopped the ships engines for about an hour while we just sat there and took in the vista - it was eerily quiet, the only sounds coming from the ice as it cracked and groaned while it moved. We saw an enormous chunk of ice fall off the glacier face into the sea with a huge splash and booming sound – they call it “calving”. It was a cold and wet day and a little misty but absolutely beautiful and serene, simply magnificent

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
Alaskan sunset, departing Ketchican on the second last day
- another panoramic view consisting of about 3 photos stitched together

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
Dutch night, when guests were all issued Dutch headgear.
L-R: Ced Snaith, Martin Langley, Mike Pickett, Josephine Langley, Nina Pickett, Judy Davis (Ced's partner).

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
Enjoying one of many !! Cedric Gunson, captain of the famous 1948 school hockey team that won the Craig cup

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
Josephine & Martin Langley

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
L-R: Ced Snaith, Jock Elliott, Dave Burn, Martin Langley, Sote Dine, (waiter), Ache Roberts

Image of Reunion - Vancouver & Alaska - Sept2004
Another Alaskan sunset on the final day, the night before we returned to Vancouver.
You can just make out the ships wake on the right of the picture.
It was a spectacular end to a most enjoyable 7 days with good company,
good food and lot of clean brisk fresh air, a pleasant change from hot humid Houston