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   Prince of Wales School Prizegiving - 1954

(Photo supplied by Peter Hays)

Prince of Wales School Prizegiving - 1954

Reggie Alexander presents an award at the 1954 Prizegiving to Head of Nicholson House, Michael Leete (Nicholson 1949-1954).
To the left of the photo is Mr. Philip Fletcher (Headmaster)

R S (Reggie) Alexander was in the original intake into the school and at the time of this photo was Mayor of Nairobi - the first local born person to hold this office. This distinguished Old Cambrian later became a member of Legco and of the International Olympic Committee until his death in 1990. A founder of the Old Cambrians club, he negotiated with the Nairobi Council in 1945 for the lease of the site on the Ngong Road where the Old Cambrians Sports Club was established. He became the first captain of the Old Cambrians Cricket XI which played its first matches at the School Oval until the pitch on the Ngong Road was completed in 1946.