Old Cambrian Society
(The Prince of Wales School / Nairobi School, Nairobi, Kenya)

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   Old Cambrian Society Educational Trust



Charity No. 1147210

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The Old Cambrian Society Educational Trust is a UK-registered Charity (Charity No 1147210), established by trust deed.
The current Trustees are:

            Keith Aikin  (Chairman)       (Clive House 1954-1958)
            John Davis                            (Grigg House1956-1960)
            Stephen Le Feuvre              (Clive House 1970-1975)
            Sergio Lecchini                    (Clive House 1950-1955)
            Michael McCulloch               (Scott House1955-1961)
            Martin Erisat                         (Kirinyaga(Grigg) House1987-1990)             

Our purpose is to advance the education of pupils at Nairobi School, in particular by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities or equipment for education at the School.  Our support will complement and supplement the resources provided by the Kenya Ministry of Education.

What activities will the Trust support?
These can include:

  • provision, improvement, or enlargement of educational buildings and  facilities, including classrooms, laboratories and libraries
  • provision or improvement of sports facilities
  • provision of equipment, books, periodicals, and other materials for teaching and/or learning
  • provision or improvement of pupils' access to external educational resources, including internet access
  • scholarships and/or prizes, subject to design of an open needs-based scheme and decision by Trustees
  • activities and programmes that promote civic responsibility or good citizenship among the pupils
  • such other activities as the Trustees may determine will further the Trust's objects.

    How will the Trust operate?
    Potential projects and activities will be identified through a process of formal discussion with the Head Teacher and Administration of the School, including where feasible a visit to the School by at least one Trustee (not financed from the Trust).

    How will proposals be assessed?
    Proposals will be evaluated against the following criteria:

  • relevance to the School's mission and development plan
  • compliance with the Trust's purpose and statement of eligible activities
  • nature, scope, and added value of benefits to the pupils of the School. Generally, the Trust will seek to avoid supporting activities which are properly the responsibility of the Kenya Ministry of Education
  • availability and timeliness of complementary finance required e.g. for a building
  • arrangements for implementation, including procurement/contracting, and maintenance
  • arrangements for monitoring and reporting on outcomes
  • acceptance of any necessary terms and conditions

    Who will decide on proposals?
    The Trustees will decide on applications.

    It is not intended to set a maximum ceiling for the size of any single grant or to limit funding to a single year. Such decisions will depend on the activity under consideration and will be taken during the process described above. In practice, funding of discrete items such as books and equipment is likely to be on an annual basis, while funding towards improvement of a building will be phased in accordance with progress in implementation.

    Funds will be held in the Trust's UK bank account, and disbursed only as needed to pay for the agreed activity or project, through secure arrangements.

    Grants made will be covered by an exchange of letters setting out specific terms and conditions and/or an umbrella agreement between the Trust and the School.

    Ownership will normally be passed to Nairobi School. In relation to many of the proposed activities eg improving facilities or buildings it would be impractical to do otherwise. Where discrete items, such as books or equipment are financed, the School will be required to label these as provided by the Trust, and to demonstrate how they will be safeguarded. Visits by Trustees or a Trust representative in Nairobi will include monitoring how such items are being kept and used.

    Subject to negotiation with the School, the intention is that any proceeds from disposal of equipment or other discrete assets, provided by the Trust and no longer required by the School, would be recycled by the School in support of future activities funded by the Trust.

    Message from the Chairman - Keith Aikin (Clive House 1954-1958)
    "Like all Old Cambrians, I owe a fantastic amount to the Prince of Wales School (now Nairobi School), to my Headmaster Philip Fletcher and to the teaching staff. The foundations for my future professional success were laid there and I have long wanted to repay the debt that I owe the "Princo".

    We have now set up the Old Cambrian Society Educational Trust fund and gained charitable status from the UK Charities Commission. Our aim is to raise an initial sum of money in the region of £50,000 which will be invested in the UK, and from its dividends the Trustees will decide how best to proceed with supporting the school and its students. Initially, we plan to set up some scholarships/bursaries to assist needy students of the school with the payment of their tuition and boarding fees, which are currently in the region of £700 per year.

    We have a group of Old Cambrians in Nairobi who will select the students and ensure that our money reaches and benefits deserving individuals at Nairobi School. There will be regular reporting to all Old Cambrians by e-mail and through the web site.

    This is an opportunity for all Old Cambrians to give something back to our old school that gave us all so much, and I do urge everyone to donate  any amount that they can, whether it be in the form of a single payment, or a regular monthly/quarterly/annual donation.

    I know you will give generously, and I thank you."


    Making a Gift
    Click Here for details


    Webmaster: Steve Le Feuvre (Clive House 1970-1975)