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   Nairobi School wins the 2008 Kenya Schools and Colleges National Drama Festival

Nairobi School wins the 2008 Kenya Schools and Colleges National Drama Festival

As reported in the Sunday Nation newspaper of 20th April 2008 - Click Here for full report

Text of the article is as follows:
Nairobi School carry the day with ‘40 Minutes’

Publication Date: 20th April 2008

Nairobi School are this year’s winners in the secondary schools play category of the Kenya Schools and Colleges National Drama Festival.

They presented a play entitled Forty Minutes in which a 40-year friendship turns sour during the post-election violence.

Kwame and Daudi are friends. Daudi is in hospital and in a critical state. He needs blood within 40 minutes. The only person with the blood type he needs is Kwame, who is from a different ethnic community.

Kwame refuses to donate his blood because Daudi abandoned Kwame’s family at the point of need.

The essence of the play is borne from the fact that despite our differences in tribe, race or creed, we are all related by blood.

Nairobi School has represented Nairobi Province since 2002 and has been placed second two times.

The play produced the best director, Wenslause Masinde, best tragedy, best actor, Dennis Mwangi and best item of the festival.

The director and Nelson Ashitiva, a lawyer, told Sunday Nation they intend to make a movie from the same script. They however lamented that talent from the schools’ drama festival is wasted.

Kakamega High were second with their play, Apparitions, by Oliver Minishi who was voted the second best director.

Vihiga Boys High school were third. Kakamega High school also won in the dance category with Sitela.

Nakuru Lions Primary School from Rift Valley won in the primary school play category with The Letter, written by Allan Ochieng and Lilian Madigo and produced by Vigha Sharma.

Only private universities participated in the festival. United States International University, Kabarak University and Catholic University had quality presentations, showing depth. Kabarak University presented the winning play The Absurd, written and directed by Barnabas Kasigwa