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   "The Pride of Athens"  by  Nala Smith


"The Pride of Athens"

by Alan (Nala) Smith
(attended the Prince of Wales School - Rhodes House 1958-1961)
Image of Queen of the Mara

For all those who knew Nala at Nakuru Primary and at ‘Princo’ in the 1950's and early 1960's plus any others who are simply curious to read what an ex PoW (Prince of Wales School) fellow has written –  

"The Pride of Athens" - is a fascinating dive into classical Greece and lost antiquities with plenty of adventure and danger for the main character, Ariston! 

The novel is available either in e-book or printed (paperback) form.

E-book (Kindle) and paperback copies can be ordered at www.amazon.com books.  

Alternatively you may order the novel directly from Nala at alan.glenorie@xtra.co.nz 

(A part of the proceeds from each book sale is donated to the International Parthenon Sculptures Action Committee Inc. (IPSACI) to help the international cause for the return of the many Parthenon sculptures that remain in the British Museum and to a lesser extent in other museums outside Greece.)

 Have a look at the summary of the novel and a sample chapter on Amazon at the following web address:        http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A44AAM0    A great read!"

With much gratitude I would like to thank those kind people who gave me inspiration, continued encouragement and advice throughout.

To Alexis Mantheakis, whose enthusiasm from the first spark of an idea until the story was finally in print was unbounded for the patriotic concept that The Pride of Athens represents. Potentially, this story of those long forgotten sculptors of the Parthenon may help to encourage a groundswell of support for the return of the Parthenon sculptures that now linger in the British Museum to their proper home in Athens. Alexis gave his unstinted support to provide an authentic Greek aspect to the story. His editing advice and knowledge of all things Greek, including words, people and place names was enormously invaluable.

To my wife Marilyn, for her patience in listening to and putting up with my daily chatter and who was my sounding board against which she suggested numerous imaginative ideas.

To my daughter Caryn, for her excellent book cover design and help with the maps of Ancient Athens.

To Kath Brown,- thanks for her sterling work in editing the final manuscript.

And to all those other friends and family who listened to my ramblings about The Pride of Athens, a book that it seemed would never reach finality, but here it is. I hope you enjoy reading about Ariston and his life’s ambition to become a sculptor!


Nala Smith lives in Auckland, New Zealand where he manages a successful health nutrition company. His enthusiasm for writing started in the 1990’s with a series of short stories about his early life in numerous construction camps across East Africa, where his father, a quarry manager, helped to build new highways in the 1950’s. Born in York, England, Nala went to the Prince of Wales School, Nairobi, where he met his long term friend, Alexis Mantheakis.