Patrick Korir
Patrick Korir
House: |
Marsabit (Scott) |
Years: |
1990-1991 |
Memories of School:
I came into 'Patch' in 1990 and left in 1991 – came as a DF from a school in the bundu. I remember the craze of Rugby
in 'Patch', a game I had never heard of. Reminds me how the whole school was eager go watch the game, especially come
'Changes' and the whole school apart from my bed neighbor Gache Aliongo (who would opt to go sleep – I don’t know why).
I was stuck to my Hockey so one day I cross over from the Hockey pitch ‘Salamader Park” to the Rugger pitch for some
Rugby. I convinced myself I can do this. A few minutes later and I got this massive hand off from one, Ekajja. The stars
that I saw then was enough to send me back to Salamander Park and gave me a phobia such that during any Rugger games I
would be a back bencher from the watching stands lest a stray hand came from the boys (or wishfull men) on the pitch.
Since leaving School:
I left 'Patch' then went to Egerton University for a BSc in Computer Science. I started out working for the very same
Egerton as an Training Assistant in I.T. for 2 years then moved to one of the leading ISPs, Wananchi Online. My last
capacity at the firm was as the Nakuru Branch Manager. I then moved on to Seven Seas Technologies, an IT security firm.
Currently I am running my own firm, Diamant Systems Ltd, a Tele-management solutions firm that offers Telephone
Management software, Add-on hold and consultancy. The firm has been running since Jan 2005.
I currently live in Kilimani area – on Muringa Road off Elgeyo Marakwet Road.
(Registered - 12th November 2006)
If anyone wishes to contact Patrick, please Click Here
to e-mail him
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