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   Johan (Hans) Koeslag


Johan (Hans) Koeslag

House: Junior/Scott
Year: 1954-1958
Childhood spent in Indonesia, Holland, Zululand, and Kenya.

After PoW, went on to study Medicine at the University of Cape Town from 1959 to 1964. Did my internship in Medicine, and in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Groote Schuur Hospital in 1965, followed by a senior internship in Surgery at McCord's Hospital in Durban. Then worked as a Registrar in Internal Medicine at Dijkzigt Academic Hospital in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

After a short spell in General Practice in Durban, joined the Department of Physiology at the University of Cape Town as a lecturer in 1972. Obtained PhD in 1980 (Thesis title: "Post-exercise ketosis in non-diabetic subjects"), and was promoted to ad hominem Associate Professor in Physiology and Human Biology in 1987. Appointed Head of the Department of Medical Physiology at the University of Stellenbosch in 1990.

Married to Ann....they met in London in 1970. Two children: Peter, who completed a BSc(Hons) in Computer Science in 1995 (and is now married and working in Britain for several years), and Anthony who has just completed his Master's degree in Electrical Engineering.

I relax by reading Terry Pratchett books and Whodunnits, dabbling in geology, and walking the dogs on Table Mountain. During moments of madness I've climbed Mt Kilimanjaro (1958), and walked the Otter Trail on the Cape South Coast (1992) and the Fish River Canyon Trail in Namibia (1994).

(Registered - 6th April 2003)

If anyone wishes to contact Johan, please e-mail webmaster@oldcambrians.com to obtain his contact details